Saturday, 28 April 2012

Hobby Boss - 1/72 Me 262 - Painting

Got the canopy on, and sprayed a dark primer on it for the framing, showed up a couple of gaps that needed filling.

So I used Tamiya basic filler thinned with Tamiya lacquer thinner to smooth it into the gaps.

A sand back and then a couple of coats of Tamiya Fine Surface primer and it was paint time.

I have trouble picking schemes, especially when a subject like the 262 seems to have so many choices, but after a bit of time, I decided to go with a RLM 74/75/76 scheme. To me it looks even more modern and fighterish in the greys.

This afternoon I sat down and mixed some colours up using the Tamiya acrylics I had about, then while the family were out at sports this evening I painted it..
I love the airbrush for scheme like this, it must be my favourite part of the process, when the grey plastic lump, starts coming to life, with its colour on.

Freehand with using some post-it notes and about three strips of masking tape for the straight edges. I really enjoyed it.

So hopefully decals soon.


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