Well been working on this one for a while now, started it for a group build on UAMF, and got the LM done, and have just finished the base and astronauts to go with it.
Quick box and content view..
The self adhesive foil, I used for the sides of the descent stage, but I found that easter egg foil wrappers stuck on with craft PVA worked better, I could get smaller wrinkles and conform it to small radii, important for the legs and framework. Though the adhesive foil was handy cut into thin strips for the foil bindings on the legs, and the major V support struts.
I replaced the Ascent stage view ports with plasticard, and painted them, rather than using the yellow film supplied.
Some of the references I used:
A fantastic build on Arifix Tribute Forum
Scratch-built LM-5
Project Apollo Archive
My Space Museum
I really enjoyed painting the astronaut figures, painting the visor reflections was fun.
One scratch build was a camera for the front of Neil Armstrong.
and blast off!...